Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Day 2

24th of… nooo, it’s not December, though it looked like Christmas in the morning. Yes, the 24th day of March, began as nice as ever, despite our feeling somewhat dizzy from the tastings we did the previous night… You know, there were candies and sweets from Estonia and Italy, olives and fish from Greece and, especially the Bulgarian cheese, from which all our heads were heavy in the morning… ;)

Anyway, thanks to the energizing game after breakfast, everybody came back to the earth and in good shape… But it wasn’t just an energizer. It had the special purpose of developing our skills in working out group strategies and team action. NICE and USEFUL!

Then, being already full of energy, we made a Fair of Competences where each one of us had to make a poster of him/herself, presenting our organizations and, of course, ourselves – our skills (including in drawing our own portraits J ) and interests. It was a good way of coming to know each other better and we had the task and chance to choose the people whose skills coincided with our interests, so we could meet and discuss on certain topics later. THAT WAS A VERY GOOD IDEA!


An activity that tested our knowledge of non-formal learning styles, characteristics and methods and expanded it by discussion and exchange of viewpoints and thoughts.

Then, a quiz on youth exchange – THREE GROUPS ON THE SAME HIGH LEVEL!?!?! UNBELIEVABLE! AND THE BEST WAS THE WINNER (They made the coaches team think a little bit before answering the decisive question) CONGATULATIONS to the winners!

Tasting again and a big party until 4 a.m. tested our senses and also ability to stay awake…


 Beny BG, Lucy SK, Alex MK

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