Monday, 8 June 2015

Day 8 - world cafe, visit to Helme and creating a common sport

The morning was as usual. After breakfast we had a game "World Cafe" and we shared our good experiences. Then we had some free time and after that we played another game. We were divided into 4 groups. We had to find the paper with our task in the yard. After this game we had lunch and some free time.

Portuguese, Lithuanians and two Bulgarians decided to explore the areas. They went to the Helme village. They are amazing but they stayed too long and were late for the Bulgarian activities. However we were fast and managed to create a common sport :)

After dinner there was intercultural evening. Bulgaria was presenting Estonia. We watched two videos and we had a quiz about Estonia. After the presentation we had free time. Those who wanted to watch a movie watched it, others were just talking and some went to sleep. Thats how another fun day passed for us.

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